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Mont Albert North, VIC (33.5km from Mont Albert North)
Epping, VIC (38.4km from Epping)
Richmond, VIC (23.3km from Richmond)
Mulgrave, VIC (40.0km from Mulgrave)
Brooklyn, VIC (8.3km from Brooklyn)
Hoppers Crossing, VIC (4.2km from Hoppers Crossing)
Greenvale, VIC (31.1km from Greenvale)
Melton, VIC (28.4km from Melton)
Hoppers Crossing, VIC (6.6km from Hoppers Crossing)
Clayton South, VIC (33.1km from Clayton South)
Sunshine, VIC (14.8km from Sunshine)
Fawkner, VIC (29.4km from Fawkner)
Melbourne, VIC (21.4km from Melbourne)
Epping, VIC (37.5km from Epping)
Hoppers Crossing, VIC (4.5km from Hoppers Crossing)
Ravenhall, VIC (14.5km from Ravenhall)
Ravenhall, VIC (16.1km from Ravenhall)
Sunshine West, VIC (14.2km from Sunshine West)
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Check out what people are saying about prepurchase car inspectors
KLAUS was absolutely great. I had been looking for cars for 3-4 months, had 2 checked by RACV but had no luck. Klaus checked my last car, was very helpful with after hours contact and was very professional and took pride in what he did. He took an interest in my car hunt story an...
Good service, good follow up, real helpful person. Worth every cent.