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Popular plumbing jobs in Pyrmont

  • Plumber job

    Posted by Dan

    06 Jan 2025
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    Location: Pyrmont, NSW
    Job Description: small leak in the toilet hose and the tap won't turn off.
    Type of job: Residential | Service needed: Repair and Maintenance | Things to be repaired or maintained: Toilet | Toilet issue: Leaking from pipes | Problem started: A few weeks ago | How long has this been an issue: More than a week | Type of property: Apartment | When: Anytime that works
  • Plumber job

    Posted by Frank

    28 Aug 2024
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    Location: Pyrmont, NSW
    Job Description: We are seeking a qualified professional or company to conduct an assessment and provide a brief report on the stormwater drainage system in our small strata building. The purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements of our insurance company following recent flooding incidents in several ground-floor apartments. o Conduct an on-site inspection to assess the current condition of the stormwater drainage system, including pipes, rainwater tanks, outlets, inlets, and any other relevant components. o Review the attached plumbers report (Work Order #447) detailing the flooding issue, particularly focusing on the minimal fall in the stormwater drains and the height discrepancy between inlet and outlet pipes in the rainwater tank. o Assess the feasibility of the plumber's proposed solution, which involves installing two 100mm overflow pipes into the rainwater tank and connecting them to the stormwater pit in the basement car park. o Provide an assessment on whether the proposed work is necessary or if alternative solutions could be implemented. The plumbers report showed: WORK COMPLETED: WORK ORDER #: 447 Strata Plan 84645 We conducted an investigation into the flooding in units 4, 5, 6, and 8. During our inspection of the pipework in the basement car park, we observed that the stormwater drains have minimal fall and that units 4, 5, 6, and 8 all discharge into a single 150mm PVC pipe, which then flows into the rainwater tank. Upon checking the inlet and outlet of the tank, both were found to be 150mm pipes. The cause of the overflow in the aforementioned apartments is due to the outlet pipe being higher than the inlet pipe. During heavy rainfall, the pipework with minimal fall and the lower inlet inside the tank cause the water to back up and overflow, as the stormwater cannot drain quickly enough. A potential solution would be to install 2x100mm overflow pipes into the side of the tank, lower than the current outlet and inlet pipes, and direct them into a stormwater pit within the car park. This would involve cutting a trench in the basement car park's concrete and the concrete plinth that the rainwater tank sits on, installing the new outlet pipes, and discharging them into the stormwater pits. This would then connect to the existing upgraded dual stormwater pumps within the car park and be pumped away. In my opinion, this would prevent the stormwater pipes from being overwhelmed and overflowing in the units above. End report
    Type of job: Commercial | Service needed: Repair and Maintenance | Things to be repaired or maintained: Drain | Location of problem drain: Basement | Drain problem: review of drainage system | Type of property: House | When: As soon as possible | How long has this been an issue: More than a week
  • Plumber job

    Posted by Kenneth

    23 Jun 2023
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    Location: Pyrmont, NSW
    Job Description: When built, this apartment was installed with a food grinder under one of the kitchen sinks. It stopped working some time back, but now it is completely blocked up. We don't necessarily want to replace the grinder, simply removing it and replacing it with a standard drain would suffice.
    Type of job: Residential | Service needed: Repair and Maintenance | Things to be repaired or maintained: Sink and tap | Drain issue: Clogging | Problem started: Less than a week ago | Type of property: Apartment | When: Any time that works
  • Plumber job

    Posted by Rachelle

    13 Jun 2023
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    Location: Pyrmont, NSW
    Job Description: 2 bidets to be fixed in 2 bathrooms. Ive got the bidets and fixtures.
    Type of job: Residential | Service needed: Installation | Installation needed: Bidet | Type of property: Apartment | When: As soon as possible

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