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  • Window Cleaning job

    Posted by Neel

    06 Jun 2024
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    Location: Logan Reserve, QLD
    Job Description: Looking for windows cleaning exterior and interior 4 bedroom house, also alfresco slide door. Also, House entry and Garages back door with safety doors.

    Neel's review for a a window cleaning job in Logan Reserve



    Did very good job of cleaning all windows alongwith security Frames and mesh. Will recommend 👌


  • Cleaner job

    Posted by Alessio

    21 May 2024
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    Location: Logan Reserve, QLD
    Type of clean: Window cleaning, Type of property: Residential, Number of windows: Up to 5 windows, Windows to be cleaned: From both sides, Number of storeys: 0, Other objects to clean: No thanks, Is a recurring job: No, Frequency: once, When: 31/05/2024

    Alessio's review for a a window cleaning job in Logan Reserve



    Highly recommended. They are friendly and take care of your needs. Well done guys!


  • Window Cleaning job

    Posted by Charlotte

    25 Apr 2024
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    Location: Lota, QLD
    Job Description: 6 sliding doors, 14 windows+7 glass panels around verandah. House front and 2 of veranda glass panels in photos

    Charlotte's review for a a window cleaning job in Lota



    Jake did a great job cleaning windows inside and out, and around verandah. Still feelin it....


  • Window Cleaning job

    Posted by Vicki

    19 Apr 2024
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    Location: Capalaba, QLD
    Type of job: Residential, Number of windows: Up to 5 windows, Windows to be cleaned: From the outside, Other objects to clean: No thanks, Is a recurring job: I'm not sure, When: Anytime that works

    Vicki's review for a a window cleaning job in Capalaba



    Wonderful work done by Hassan and his team! Very pleased.


  • Window Cleaning job

    Posted by Nanette

    13 Apr 2024
    • Mobile Verified
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    Location: Mount Warren Park, QLD
    Type of job: Residential, Number of windows: 5 to 10 windows, Windows to be cleaned: From the inside, Number of storeys: 2, Other objects to clean: Yes, Other objects to clean: Window frame, Is a recurring job: Yes, Frequency: Annually, When: As soon as possible

    Nanette's review for a a window cleaning job in Mount Warren Park



    PJ's awesome! Excellent communication. Fantastic job. Windows are sparkly clean.


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