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  • 3752, South Morang, VIC
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Popular electrical services jobs in South Morang

  • Electrician job

    Posted by Tony

    24 Mar 2025
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    Location: South Morang, VIC
    Job Description: To move current power outlet in bedroom 3 feet or to add new power point.
    Service needed: Installation | Type of service: Fixture installation (power points, lights, etc) | Fixtures to be installed: Powerpoints | Type of property: Freestanding house | When: Anytime that works
  • Electrician job

    Posted by Tony

    15 Mar 2025
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    Location: South Morang, VIC
    Job Description: To replace Existing Electric Smoke Detector with new one.
    Service needed: Replacement | Type of service: Smoke Detector | Type of property: Freestanding house | When: Anytime that works
  • Electrician job

    Posted by Sawab

    17 Dec 2024
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    Location: South Morang, VIC
    Job Description: need help to fix one chandelier in the dining area and three pendant lights in the kitchen
    Service needed: Installation | Type of service: Fixture installation (power points, lights, etc) | Fixtures to be installed: Lights | Type of property: Freestanding house | When: Anytime that works
  • Electrician job

    Posted by Santosh

    02 Feb 2025
    Location: South Morang, VIC
    Job Description: We want to install power points from the light switch
    Service needed: Installation | Type of service: Fixture installation (power points, lights, etc) | Fixtures to be installed: Powerpoints | Type of property: Townhouse | When: As soon as possible
  • Electrician job

    Posted by Steve

    09 May 2024
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    Location: South Morang, VIC
    Job Description: I am moving everything off gas and onto electricity which means the number of available fuse points is not enough for what I want to do. Would need to upgrade to a switchboard that has an increased number of points.
    Service needed: Replacement | Type of service: upgrade to a larger switchboard | Type of property: Freestanding house | When: As soon as possible
  • Electrician job

    Posted by tiffy

    05 May 2024
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    Location: South Morang, VIC
    Job Description: my name is Tiffy I'm totally blind hearing-impaired and I need my smoke alarms replaced first in the living room and the hallway but I would like them also in my bedroom and next to the kitchen, but I was trying to find a product called nest protect which from what I have watched videos on YouTube they go off as soon as there is a whisp of smoke and they sound a warning tone before the main alarm and they tell you that there is smoke in the area it detects it in, I can't get anything replaced right now but the only version of nest protect I can find are the wired ones where you hardwire them into the ceiling, the problem with that is in terms of the actual devices themselves, I don't know what Google is supporting because the battery ones have disappeared even though there is no way to actually find out and stores I have asked can't tell me what has happened to the battery wireless version! I know that the hardwired version is $139 each and that's good to know that it's gone down in price however I've got a horrible feeling it means that Google will be discontinuing them and this is the only one that I know that is able to detect fast and slow burning fires where as a lot of the other cheaper versions of other alarms will only detect slow burning fires and I don't know how long they will take to go off, because three years ago there were two incidences one involved a toaster a stove lack of sleep from me and a fire alarm that was singing all night and I turned off the power to find out where the noise was coming from, grabbed the switch by accident and the whole power board turned off and I didn't know which switch I was pushing up, next thing the stove lit up and so did the toaster as I couldn't fit it into my cupboard and it was too big to put anywhere else, all of a sudden I had to grab a tea towel and yank it off and throw it outside and I thought my house was gonna burn down! The smoke alarms did not alert me that there was even a problem and it was only when I smelt burning rubber I knew I was in trouble! Another incident occurred where I was cooking spicy sausages from woollies and they are a smoky kind of sausage however at the time I did not know where my Rangehood was so I didn't know how to turn it on, an hour and a half later the hallway detector went off but by that time I was choking to death almost and I have issues with my lungs where I'm allergic to smoke and other particles and all I could do was turn off my portable talking induction cooker, open my front door and let the smoke clear and even by then I was still choking! That was the night I discovered the nest protect on YouTube but I don't want to invest in that product any more if there is an unknown certainty that these may not be supported much longer even though there is no way to find out and Google won't talk to anyone and you can't call them, my other concern is if I need to buy 4 hardwired ones one for the living room one for the hallway and then put one in my bedroom and one next to the kitchen, there are two extra circuits I don't know how an electrician is going to fit them and I don't know how much it will cost me as I am on a disability support blind pension! I don't have the money right now for installation of new alarms at the moment although I will get to it as soon as I can, however I need some advice on what I should do because the ones I really need I'm not confident will be supported much longer and yet these would've been the best for me! Apparently these were ranked in terms of the nest protect among the top 10 alarms and now Google has got rid of the battery ones and I'm pretty sure that the wired ones will follow suit! There is one cheap and crappy smoke alarm in the living room which is why it at the moment but that is 11 years old as I moved in here when the pandemic started in 2020 and I think these apartments were all built in 2013 and judging by the alarm I was told in the living room it's the same age as this apartment which is 2013 so I need new alarms! Can someone please at least advise me on what I need to do? In the hallway there should be another hardwired alarm but some idiot took down that alarm and put it in the top drawer of the kitchen and I found it as I was inspecting this one bedroom apartment before it went up for sale back in 2020 and I was livid! This is my apartment now but before that it was rented so someone took one of the alarms down so ever since I've just had battery ones put in to give me some protection if something happened, but the cheap alarms are not enough and they will not save my life if something happens to me! could someone please advise me on what I need to do because I am frightened! I really hope someone can help me because I don't want the big one to happen and I can't get an alert to know what's going on!
    Service needed: Electrical Inspection | Inspection services needed: enquiring about what smoke alarms are best for me as I am totally blind and hearing-impaired | Type of property: Apartment | When: As soon as possible

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