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    • 6015, City Beach, WA
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    Popular painting jobs in City Beach

    • Painter job

      Posted by Adam

      24 Jun 2024
      • Mobile Verified
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      Location: City Beach, WA
      Job Description: Single storey house External - 1 x main entry double leaf door + frame and flat bar steel lintel (external face only) - Approx. 1.6m x 2.1m - Black satin - 1 x single garage door + frame (external face only) - Approx. 800mm x 2.1m - - Black satin - soffit lining around the perimeter of the house - Approx. 600mm x 36m plus 100mm x 22m - White 'wash and wear' satin - 1 x roller garage door (external face only) + flat bar steel lintel - Approx. 2.4m x 2.2m - Black satin - 1 x roller garage door (external face only) + flat bar steel lintel - Approx. 4.8m x 2.2m - Black satin - gutters and facia to perimeter of house - Approx. 250mm x 70m - Night Sky Black to match finish of existing recently installed Colorbond steel patio - 3 x circular columns (approx. 200mm x 2.6m) supporting an open timber framed pergola (approx. 1.2m x 6m) - Surfmist to match existing newly constructed garden walls - sandstone rendered framing to 2 x windows - Approx. 100mm x 170mm x 11.5m - Surfmist to match existing newly constructed garden walls - 2 x sandstone rendered wall capping - Approx. 100mm x 170mm x 2.7m - Surfmist to match existing newly constructed garden walls - 6 x sandstone rendered three sided columns - Approx 15m2 - Surfmist to match existing newly constructed garden walls - 1 x sandstone rendered beam above main entry - Approx. 350mm x 3.6m - Surfmist to match existing newly constructed garden walls - 6 x rectangular pressed metal downpipes - Approx. 45mm x 95mm x 2.3m - Night Sky Black to match existing finish of recently installed Colorbond steel patio - 3 x PVC plumbing pipes - Approx. 50mm x 2.3m - Night Sky Black to match finish of existing recently installed Colorbond steel patio - 1 x pressed metal capping - Approx. 100mm x 75mm x 2.4m - Night Sky Black to match finish of existing recently installed Colorbond steel patio - exposed flat bar window lintels - Approx 75mm x 6m - Night Sky Black to match finish of existing recently installed Colorbond steel patio - 1 x meter box - Approx. 100mm x 500mm x 1m - Night Sky Black to match finish of existing newly recently Colorbond steel patio - Brick boundary wall - Approx. 15m2 - Floral White satin to match the existing half of the wall that has recently been painted - Sandstone boundary wall - Approx. 4m2 - Floral White satin to match the existing half of the wall that has recently been painted Internal - 1 x bedroom (3.6m x 2.6m) inclusive of walls, corniced ceiling, window cill, door and frame (one side), skirting and built-in robe (with two doors and one shelf) - Walls, doors and frames, window cill and skirting Floral white to match other rooms in the house - 1 x study (3.6m x 4m) inclusive of walls, corniced ceiling and skirting. Note room has a 2.4m x 2.2m glass sliding door - Walls and skirting Floral white to match other rooms in the house
      Area to be painted: Both interior and exterior painting | Size of job: Surface(s) restoration | Interior rooms to be painted: Interior walls | Exteriour areas to be painted: Building exterior walls | Number of rooms: 2 | Number of walls: 8 | Number of exterior walls: 0 | Paint supplied: No | Condition of area: Painted | When: Any time that works
    • Painter job

      Posted by Chantelle

      04 Dec 2023
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      Location: City Beach, WA
      Job Description: The room has rough red brick walls and is approximately 25 square metres. It will need to be brushed first to get all the dusted off then washed with sugar soap (I have all the materials for this). 1 coat of primer and 2 coats of white paint, youll have to go over the grout with a paint brush. No need to do a perfect job just want this room to be brighter and white! Understand working with bricks may be harder. Will supply all materials you need. Happy if youre not a painter - just want this job done as I want to move in and start creating art in my new art studio! - Due date: Flexible
      Area to be painted: Interior painting | Size of job: Fresh painting job | Interior areas to be painted: Interior walls | Number of rooms: 1 | Number of walls: 0 | Paint supplied: Yes | Condition of area: Brick surface | When: As soon as possible
    • Painter job

      Posted by Joe

      29 Jul 2023
      • Mobile Verified
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      Location: City Beach, WA
      Job Description: Clean job new work with supervision.
      Area to be painted: Interior painting | Size of job: Fresh painting job | Interior areas to be painted: Ceiling(s) | Number of rooms: 6 | Number of walls: 12 | Paint supplied: Yes | Condition of area: Unfinished | When: As soon as possible

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