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    • 3437, Gisborne, VIC
    • 3437, Bullengarook, VIC
    • 3437, Gisborne South, VIC
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    Popular painting jobs in Gisborne

    • Painter job

      Posted by Ggoffrey

      17 Jan 2025
      Location: Gisborne, VIC
      Job Description: Front woodwork of house
      Area to be painted: Exterior painting | Size of job: Fresh painting job | What needs painting: Small area of woodwork on the front of house. | Exterior walls: 0 | Paint supplied: Yes | Condition of area: Flakey | When: As soon as possible
    • Painter job

      Posted by Sarah

      18 Jun 2024
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      Location: Gisborne, VIC
      Job Description: We are working on a sales office for a land estate. There are five walls that we need painted. Note: one of them already has a painted mural over half of it - we just need the other half of that wall painted. Four walls need to be painted in Dulux True Blue S40H9 Approx sizes: Wall 1: 5067mm W x 2865H (this will will eventually have curtains hung on it) Wall 2: 3387mm W x 2865H (this will will eventually have curtains hung on it) Wall 3: 5067mmW x 2865H Note: This wall is mostly glass windows so its just the section of wall along the top of the windows. Wall 4: 3387mm W x 2865H Note: This wall has a big walkway/opening in the middle of it so its just the two panels along the sides of the wall and along the top of the opening. I have attached some images of the sales office as it currently sits along with some images of our approved concept / design for the space. You can use this to get a better sense of what we need painted. The half section of wall we need painted that sits beside the existing mural will need to be: Dulux Blue Accolade S37E9 Approx wall size: 4416mm W x 2865mm H The work needs to be complete by Monday 24th
      Area to be painted: Interior painting | Size of job: Fresh painting job | Interior areas to be painted: Interior walls | Number of rooms: 2 | Number of walls: 5 | Paint supplied: No | Condition of area: Painted | When: As soon as possible
    • Painter job

      Posted by Sue

      11 Nov 2023
      • Mobile Verified
        VerifiedInformationPhone number has been verified
      • Mobile VerifiedMobile
        Phone number has been verified
      Location: Gisborne, VIC
      Job Description: split level, equivalent to 2 rooms. I am putting the house on the market and one ceiling is splitting along the plaster join, so both ceilings need to be painted.
      Area to be painted: Interior painting | Size of job: Surface(s) restoration | Interior areas to be painted: Ceiling(s) | Number of rooms: 2 | Number of walls: 0 | Paint supplied: Yes | Condition of area: Painted | When: As soon as possible

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