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Canley Heights, NSW (8.3km from Canley Heights)
Casula, NSW (6.7km from Casula)
Green Valley, NSW (2.6km from Green Valley)
Wattle Grove, NSW (9.9km from Wattle Grove)
Barden Ridge, NSW (19.9km from Barden Ridge)
Merrylands, NSW (15.9km from Merrylands)
Fairfield West, NSW (9.1km from Fairfield West)
Bankstown, NSW (17.6km from Bankstown)
Parramatta, NSW (18.8km from Parramatta)
Kingsgrove, NSW (22.6km from Kingsgrove)
Parramatta, NSW (18.8km from Parramatta)
Chipping Norton, NSW (10.8km from Chipping Norton)
Parramatta, NSW (18.4km from Parramatta)
Prospect, NSW (12.5km from Prospect)
Greenacre, NSW (19.9km from Greenacre)
Lane Cove, NSW (32.1km from Lane Cove)
Hunters Hill, NSW (28.5km from Hunters Hill)
West Ryde, NSW (25.3km from West Ryde)
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