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    Lawnmowers: Which type is best for you?

    A guide on your mower options and tips on how to use them

    Alex | Oneflare
    Updated 24 Jan 2025

    Maintaining a lawn involves a lot of work, and one of the most important tools that will help you in keeping your lawn neat and trim is a lawnmower. Buying a lawnmower is a decision that should be made with a lot of thought given to the types of lawn mowers available, the area occupied by your lawn and your budget. 

    Different types of lawnmowers

    Manual mower:

    Manual mowers are not powered and depend on human effort to carry them ahead. Although they do require a sufficient amount of energy, recent improvements in design have rendered manual lawn mowers easier to operate. They are best suited for small, flat areas that need to be mowed. Some of the pros of buying a manual lawn mower are that they are environmentally friendly and inexpensive.

    Electric lawn mowers

    Electric lawnmowers are powered by electricity, which is supplied through a power cord. They’re relatively lightweight and small, so they’re ideal for those who don’t fancy the idea of pushing a heavy, monster-sized mower. Electric lawnmowers are also better for the environment, as they don’t produce emissions or fumes, so there’s no pollution. In addition, they’re quieter than petrol-powered motors, so you’re cutting down on noise pollution as well. They are incredibly convenient; all you have to do is make sure that there’s a power outlet nearby and then plug the power cord in. You don’t have to keep petrol on hand, and there is no danger of running out of fuel.

    On the downside, there is the inconvenience of having to use a power cord. You need to keep it out of the way while you are moving; otherwise, you could cut right through it with the mower blades. Using a cord may also limit how far you can push your mower. If you have several power outlets located outside, this sound not be a problem, but you will probably have to change outlets a few times if you’re mowing the entire lawn. In addition, electric mowers operate more slowly than petrol ones, as they have a smaller cutting diameter. You are also a bit more limited in setting cutting heights.

    Most sit-in lawnmowers are petrol lawnmowers / Source: Preferred Property Care

    Cordless mower

    Cordless electric lawn mowers are the best option if you do not want the hassle of having to attach a long extension cord every time you need to mow your lawn. Powered by batteries, cordless electric lawn mowers are increasing in popularity, as modern technology allows for batteries to produce power that is sufficient to effectively mow a medium-sized lawn. However, this battery generated power is still not adequate enough to effectively mow long grass.

    Petrol lawnmowers

    Petrol lawnmowers are fueled by the exact same type of petrol that you get at the service station. They are ideal for larger lawns because you don’t have to worry about accessibility to a power outlet. They use a wide cutting diameter, so you will be able to cut the grass faster. They also handle thick, dense areas of grass remarkably well.

    On the downside, you will need to have enough petrol on hand to run the mower, and you’ll also need a place to store the extra petrol. In addition, petrol mowers do produce petrol fumes and emissions, so they’re not an environmentally-friendly choice. Added to that, they’re pretty noisy, and they also tend to be significantly heavier to push than electric mowers. As for maintenance, if you’re using a two-stroke mower, you will need to pour some oil into the petrol before you start; otherwise, four-stroke mowers do just fine without the oil.

    Tips for mowing the lawn 

    The right technique of mowing the lawn is essential to ensure its proper upkeep. Gardening businesses and professionals will be able to provide expert guidance on how to properly maintain your lawn. However, below we have provided you with some starting tips to make your lawn look beautiful

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    Check the height

    The recommended height of your grass depends on the breed. If you are unsure, try using the internet to research the optimal length of your grass. Cutting the grass too short can result in opportunities for weeds to grow. Leaving the grass too long can result in damage to your lawnmower blades when you do decide to cut your grass. Furthermore, getting the correct grass length for your grass breed makes your lawn look aesthetically appealing. A basic formula is cutting back one-third the length of the grass blade when mowing.

     Add finishing touches

    The finishing touches, after mowing, will result in your lawn looking tidier and healthier. Edging and trimming are an essential finishing touch. Edgers help to neatly trim the edge of your lawn, making it look neater when lined up against the pathway or driveway. Trimmers, meanwhile, are more versatile and can be used anywhere to shorten the grass.

    Understand basic mowing techniques

    The grass will be healthier if the same patch of lawn is not mowed over again repeatedly. Even throughout the same mowing session and every time you mow, try to mow in a different direction. This will help prevent the grass from becoming coarse and dry

    Practice safety

    Before starting a mowing session check to see if there are any hazards on the lawn. Walk over the lawn and check for objects such as toys that may have been left on your lawn. These objects will get caught in your mower. Wearing protective gear, particularly on your hands and over your eyes will also keep you safe. Always wear close-toed shoes when mowing. If you are susceptible to pollen allergies, take suitable precautions.

    Your grass will look healthier when it is mown using these tips / Source: Ken McKay Homes

    Help the environment

    Instead of using a gas mower, try using an electric or a push mower. In doing this you can cut down your environmental footprint and you will also make less noise. We recommend that the mown grass clippings should be left where they are clipped as they are a form of natural fertiliser and improve the health of your grass.

    Mow dry grass

    It is best to mow lawns when the grass is dry. Mowing wet grass can increase the chances of your lawn catching diseases. Mowing on wet grass also increases the risk of accidents occurring. Fortunately, it is easier to mow dry grass as the blades do not slip off of the grass. Mowing dry grass will make the cut smoother and cleaner.

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