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    A guide to air conditioners

    And how to save money while using one

    Alex | Oneflare

    As the summer arrives, a lot of people flock to stores to buy new air conditioners. If you are in need of one, all you need to know about purchasing an air conditioner is mentioned in this guide. There are air conditioners on the market to suit every budget and need. Read ahead to select the one that is perfect for you.

    Air conditioning options

    Air conditioners are available in a range of styles. Mentioned below are the main types:

    • Portable air conditioners: Portable air conditioners can be moved from one room to the next as per your requirement after installation. Though ideal for people who move a lot, portable air conditioners are not the most efficient and can be quite noisy.
    • Window air conditioners: These are installed in a window opening in the wall and are suitable for cooling small areas in your home.
    • Split systems: Split systems have two main components. One is the wall unit that is installed indoors and the other is the condensing unit that is located outside the home. Split systems are efficient and are available as reverse-cycle units. This means they can be used as a heater during the winter and as an air conditioner during the summer.
    • Ducted air conditioners: These are also available as reverse-cycle systems and have an option of being zoned. This allows you to cool certain areas of your home and is presently the most expensive option.

    Where to place it

    If you do not have a current system in your home, the first step will be to consider the placement of the unit. The first component is the exterior portion. Place it outside of the home, in a place where it does not take away from the overall aesthetics of the home and is not too loud. You are likely going to want to speak to your neighbours about placement as well. Most systems can run fairly loudly, which means you will need to consider proper placement the first time you instal it or you could be dealing with complaints about the noise.

    Source: Valuez

    Conditioning Efficiency

    Select an air conditioner that is very efficient and that gives you maximum cooling per unit of power consumed. A good way to confirm this is to check the label of the air conditioner to see how much power it consumes. A unit that has variable speed settings adjusts the output of the air conditioner according to the temperature of the room. This is efficient because the room stays more consistent in temperature and the cost in maintaining the temperature is also reduced.

    How to save money using an air conditioner

    Make sure you have the right air conditioner

    The first – and most essential – way to save money on air conditioning is also the simplest. You just have to make sure that you have the right type of air conditioner for your home. That means you need to find one that is the ideal size for the rooms you need to be cooled. Take into consideration all of the essential factors of the rooms – how hot they get, which direction they face, what people will be residing in them, and so on. If you put a small air conditioner in a large room (and vice versa), you’re not going to be getting all the coolness you need. Also, check the energy star rating on the air conditioner, and only look for one with a big number of stars. 

    Contact local air conditioner experts

    Clean your air conditioner and install insulation

    Once you pick out your air conditioner, you need to perform regular maintenance on it. Change and clean the filters, and make sure the whole unit is sparkling clean. Doing this will ensure that the air conditioner will perform at peak efficiency. Additionally, you need to take a look at the insulation you have in your house. The more insulation you have, the less you’ll have to have the air conditioner on. Make sure that all of your insulation has a high ”R” rating before you put it in – you’ll be able to cut down the temperature by several degrees if you get the right type installed in the house. 

    Use natural methods to cool your house

    There are also several simple things you can do to cool down that don’t even involve the air conditioner. Shut the doors and turn all the lights off – you’ll be surprised at how far that goes. You can also do things like instal a verandah to help deflect sunlight, put double-glazed windows in, plant trees and shrubbery to create shade, instal ceiling fans or paint your home in lighter colours. Do all of these little things, and you’ll see big savings on your bill. 

    An outdoor unit / Source: Seeto & Sons Air Conditioning

    Selecting a professional installer

    You could instal components of the air conditioning system yourself. However, because this is a complex system and requires expertise, it is best to turn to a professional installer instead. The right professional makes a big difference. If you choose one that isn’t as skilled, you could end up with a system that is hard to use, does not work properly, or may not be as efficient as it should be.

    Look for a professional who has proper licensing and certification. He or she should have experience as well. You will also want to ensure that this provider has insurance to protect you from mistakes. Once you do this, do not just hire the first person you see. Rather, request a quote for service instead. It is a good idea to select a professional who offers a fair price for the service, but who also has outstanding references (people you can actually speak with) as well. This can help you feel comfortable allowing this person to do the work for you

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