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Wow Carpet Cleaning Melbourne



47 146 603 199

Business contact details

Address:10 Gem Place, Melbourne, VIC


Year founded:2007

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Opening hours


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


9:00 AM – 5:00 PM






9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Business description

WOW Carpet Cleaning Melbourne is your premier choice for professional and meticulous carpet and rug cleaning services in the vibrant city of Melbourne. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to delivering the highest standards of cleanliness, ensuring that your carpets and rugs not only look immaculate but also promote a healthier and more inviting living or working environment. Our Services: Carpet Cleaning: Our state-of-the-art carpet cleaning technology, combined with eco-friendly cleaning solutions, penetrates deep into your carpets, effectively removing dirt, stains, allergens, and odors. We take pride in revitalizing your carpets, leaving them fresh and vibrant. Rug Cleaning: We understand that rugs come in all shapes, sizes, and materials. Our specialized rug cleaning service caters to the unique needs of each rug, whether it's an antique heirloom, a cherished family rug, or a modern decorative piece. We treat each rug with the care and attention it deserves. Upholstery Cleaning: Extend the life of your upholstered furniture with our professional upholstery cleaning service. Our experts use gentle yet effective methods to revitalize your sofas, chairs, and other upholstered items, ensuring they look and feel like new. Commercial Carpet Cleaning: For Melbourne's bustling businesses, we offer tailored commercial carpet cleaning solutions. Our team works discreetly and efficiently to minimize downtime and deliver a clean and fresh working environment. Why Choose WOW Carpet Cleaning Melbourne? Expertise: Our skilled technicians possess extensive experience and knowledge in the carpet and rug cleaning industry, guaranteeing top-notch service. Eco-Friendly Practices: We are committed to eco-conscious cleaning, utilizing environmentally friendly cleaning products that are safe for your family, pets, and the environment. Advanced Equipment: We invest in the latest cleaning technology, ensuring efficient and effective results that exceed your expectations. Customer Satisfaction: Your happiness is paramount to us. We tailor our services to meet your unique needs and provide a level of satisfaction that WOWs. Transparent Pricing: We offer competitive and transparent pricing, ensuring you receive outstanding value for the exceptional cleaning services we provide. At WOW Carpet Cleaning Melbourne, we believe that clean carpets, rugs, and upholstery can make a significant difference in your space's overall ambiance and your well-being. We take pride in being your trusted partner in achieving a cleaner, healthier, and more beautiful environment. Contact us today to experience the WOW Carpet Cleaning Melbourne difference and enjoy the magic of impeccably clean carpets and rugs.

Accepted payment methods


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Reminder: If your job requires a qualified or licensed tradesperson, always request details regarding any relevant professional licences before work has commenced and check those details on relevant industry databases to ensure they remain valid.

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Reviews (30)

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    Adeline B

    Oneflare review

    01 Apr 2024

    The carpet cleaning service was exceptional! The team was professional, thorough, and my carpets look brand new. Highly recommend!
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    Chad D

    Oneflare review

    25 Mar 2024

    Dry carpet cleaning removed stains I thought were permanent. I'm amazed at how clean and fresh my carpets look now. Highly recommend!
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    Lola M

    Oneflare review

    18 Mar 2024

    Stubborn stains are no match for this company's stain removal service. Excellent job!
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    Adrien T

    Oneflare review

    11 Mar 2024

    Their cleaner left my home feeling refreshed and revitalized. Their eco-friendly approach aligned perfectly with my values, and the results were outstanding. Stains were gone, and the carpets smelled amazing. Professional, efficient, and environmentally conscious
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    Linda M

    Oneflare review

    04 Mar 2024

    Five stars all around for this carpet cleaning service! The team was friendly, knowledgeable, and efficient. They arrived on time and got straight to work, transforming my dingy carpets into something that looks brand new. Even the high-traffic areas came out looking refreshed and revitalized. I'm beyond impressed with their professionalism and the quality of their work. Will definitely be a repeat customer
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Unique selling points

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    WOW Carpet Cleaning Melbourne offers specialized care for your rugs, tailored to their unique materials and characteristics, ensuring they maintain their beauty and value.

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    Eco-Friendly Cleaning: Our commitment to environmentally friendly practices means we use safe, non-toxic cleaning solutions that are gentle on your home and the planet.

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    Quick Turnaround: With our efficient cleaning methods, we aim for minimal disruption to your daily routine, delivering fast and impressive results.

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    Customer-Centric Service: Your needs are at the forefront of everything we do. We personalize our services to meet your specific requirements, ensuring your complete satisfaction.

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    Transparent Pricing: WOW Carpet Cleaning Melbourne provides upfront and competitive pricing, so you know exactly what to expect without any hidden costs.

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