Our friendly team of certifiers come to you for all of your certification needs.
Our highly qualified team has extensive experience in all types of construction projects. Our principals have over 20 years certification experience.
Based in Byron Shire we have the capability to service our clients on a regional basis. Our wealth of experience allows us to audit concepts and detail designs, in addition to certifying construction to the highest standard.
Our Key Strengths Include
A team of motivated professional staff who understand our client’s requirements.
A high level of expertise in performance and prescriptive approaches to Building Code of Australia (BCA) compliance.
Ability to provide the maximum possible protection against the risk of design or construction errors, through our rigorous quality assurance procedures.
A reputation for integrity among councils and consultants. This facilitates clear, efficient communications with authorities, saving clients time and stress.
Personalised service from established locals.
The earlier we are involved in a project, the better we can add value by applying our skills and knowledge base to key project decisions.
By considering ourselves as integral members of any construction team, we measure our success in terms of your project success.
Construction Certification
Our A1 to A4 accredited certifiers with over 50 years combined certification experience, extensive qualifications and straight forward approach give you the assurance that we get the job done to the highest standards and offer the following professional services:
Construction certificates for all classes of buildings including those with existing or proposed performance solutions such as residential, industrial and commercial projects
Complying development certificates for many types of buildings such as carports, garages, dwellings, industrial and commercial properties
Being the PCA (principal certifying authority) for all classes of buildings
Council application lodgement specialists
Our extensive experience working in and around Councils gives you the confidence to use Certifiers2U for the following projects:
Do you have deferred commencement DA conditions? We can work with you to satisfy those requirements
Do you have Development Application (DA) conditions to comply with and do not know where to begin? We can assist you.
We provide a complete application preparation and lodgment service with Council. Anything from DAs to Section 68 plumbing applications, Section 138 Roads Actapplications, Section 22 Swimming Pools Act exemption applications, Building Information Certificate applications and Section 4.55 modifications among many others.
Council liaison services
Our principals have each worked in Councils for more than 20 years, we understand the processes and we recognize that not everything goes to plan. We offer our extensive knowledge and problem solving capabilities to resolve issues such as:
Assisting you where we can to obtain Building Information Certificate approvals for unauthorised works
Problem solving town planning and building code matters
Council Notices and Orders matters
Building Code of Australia (BCA) reports
We provide extensive BCA reports to assist you in many parts of the development process such as:
Pre-planning design building code assessments
Clause 93 change of use reports for DAs
Clause 94 building addition reports for DAs
Advice on proposed performance solutions
Comprehensive clause by clause BCA reports for all classes of buildings for a variety of applications
Site meetings and compliance checks
Our staff has extensive qualifications, experience and knowledge in planning and building. We conduct site inspections on a daily basis to assist our clients with the following services:
Compliance checks on existing construction to see if and where they meet current legislation building codes and standards or the legislation, building codes and standards at which they were built. The compliance check is particularly handy when you are considering selling or purchasing property.
Obtaining Council records for existing approvals
Compliance reports on existing buildings where they may not comply with building code and planning requirements and the heads of consideration and pathways to obtaining approvals
Development potential reports for existing properties
Council certification service
Is your Council in need of A1 certifiers?
Our private certifiers are also A1 unrestricted accredited Council certifiers. We can assist with assessments of construction certificates, complying development certificates and occupation certificates. We also provide an inspection service for Councils.
Did you know that we conduct remote assessments for Councils? We work with Councils hundreds of kilometers away and provide application and BCA assessments and reports.
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